Find out how plumsa has provided dedicated development teams for companies to help address business challenges.


Integrating Zoom functionality into a third-party management system

01: Challenges

ZOOM and a major corporation were driving a joint project aimed at achieving innovative integration between existing business management software and ZOOM. The objective of this collaboration was to significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of remote work within the company. The challenges encountered during this endeavor proved to be more formidable than anticipated. The internal workings of the business management software resembled navigating in the dark, with little clarity regarding its functions and structure. Furthermore, the scarcity of past literature and documentation made the task as challenging as charting uncharted territory.

02: Our Solution

In the face of these difficulties, plumsa put together a specialized team and stepped into the project. Leveraging their diverse knowledge of programming languages and frameworks, they embarked on the task of deciphering the intricate structure of the business management software. They seamlessly added the necessary code without disrupting the existing software. Eventually, we unearthed the solution to achieve flawless integration with ZOOM.

03: Results

The major corporation gained the ability to efficiently conduct remote operations from distant locations. The consequential cost-saving benefits were substantial, significantly contributing to the company’s performance.


Full-Scale Redevelopment of an In-House SNS System

01: Challenges

Paradox, a branding company, was selling in-house Social Networking System (SNS) solutions to businesses. These in-house SNS systems were introduced in companies, including those in the apparel industry, with the aim of sharing the company’s mission and values.
However, the initial system had limitations due to being developed on an open-source package. It lacked scalability, and when issues occurred in the system, identifying the root causes was a time-consuming problem. Consequently, Paradox aimed to completely overhaul the existing system from scratch.

02: Our Solution

In the face of this challenging situation, our specialized team joined the project. We initiated the project by analyzing the functionality of the current system and held meetings with Paradox to clearly define the additional features they wanted. Successfully achieving full-scale redevelopment within a limited budget.

03: Results

The revamped system has evolved into a user-friendly UI/UX that makes it enjoyable for companies to share their mission and values. It not only resolved the issues Paradox was facing but also significantly enhanced its appeal as a branding tool.